What Is A Float Serve In Volleyball?

A Float Serve Executed Properly Can Give Your Team An Offensive Advantage.

Serving in volleyball is an essential skill. So, what is a float serve in volleyball? A float serve is a type of serve wherein the ball does not spin.

This makes it unpredictable, and thus, more difficult to pass. It can go left, right or even drop abruptly. A properly executed float serve in volleyball gives your team a competitive edge. Regardless of the position you play, it’s crucial to learn and master this serve.

How To Do A Float Serve In Volleyball

In this video, you’ll see the basics of teaching proper ball toss and point of contact.

The first thing to focus on is the arm. It should be stretched out directly in front of the player. The ball should be resting at shoulder height in the player’s hand.

The next key point is the toss. When the player tosses the ball up, it should be low and controlled. It should always land in front of the server’s back foot and in line with the serving shoulder.

Now, it’s time for contact. This is the second most important factor in serving, after the toss. When the ball is tossed in front of the serving shoulder, it is important to make contact with an open palm.

And remember no fingers on the ball. Making contact right in the center of the ball is vital to a successful float serve. Keeping the ball toss and contact in line with the serving shoulder will generate the most power and control.

A good drill to perfect this skill is by practicing with a volleyball and a wall. Stand in front of the wall at arm’s length. Toss the ball up directly in line with the wall without hitting it. Make a serve and pin the ball against the wall on contact. The goal is to contact the ball directly in the center with just the open palm.

Other Types Of Serving In Volleyball

The float serve is one type of serve in volleyball. There’s the underhand serve which is usually the first kind of serve learned by beginners.

Here’s a quick guide on how to do it: Stand with one foot back. Hold the ball with the opposite hand. Keep it low and make sure it’s in front. Form a fist with the other hand. Swing back and hit the ball on the lower half. The idea is to send the ball upwards, so it goes over the net.

There’s also the overhand serve, under which is the float serve and the topspin. For the latter, you need to toss the ball higher than you would in a floater. Step under it and make contact with the ball from underneath it. You’ll need to “snap” your wrist to create the topspin.

Another type of serve is the jump serve. This is a more complex variation of the abovementioned overhand serve types. It requires advanced skills and a competitive level of play.

Now that you have a better idea of what a float serve in volleyball is, contact us now to apply what you’ve learned. Our club volleyball training program can help you hone your knowledge and skills of volleyball basics, including expert serving techniques.